
View the Project on GitHub TanZhanMing/duke

User Guide


Duke is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps a person organise a list of stuff to do; including deadlines or events. The name Duke was chosen in honor of Duke, the Java Mascot. While Duke has a Graphical User Interface (GUI), its main form of input is Command Line Interface (CLI) based, thus favoring people who can type fast.


  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. You can do so at the java website.
  2. Download the latest Duke.jar here.

Starting Off

  1. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Duke.
  2. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

Image of Duke start screen

3.Type the command in the command box and press Enter or click Send to execute it.\ 4.Lastly, entering bye exits the app.


Feature 1: Adding a ‘To-Do’ Task

Creates a basic ‘To-Do’ task

keywords: todo

Format: todo (insert task description here)

Example: todo finish JUnit testing

Image of Duke todo screen

Feature 2: Adding a ‘Deadline’ Task

Creates a basic ‘Deadline’ task with a date and time value

keywords: deadline /by

Format: deadline (insert task description here) /by (date and time)

Example: deadline finish Project /by 20/04/2019 10:00

:bulb: You can try different date-time formats such as ‘dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss’ or ‘dd-mmm-yyyy HHmm’

Image of Duke deadline screen

Feature 3: Adding an ‘Event’ Task

Creates a basic ‘Event’ task with a date and time value

keywords: event /at

Format: event (insert task description here) /at (date and time)

Example: event game event /at 23-DEC-2020 0230

Image of Duke event screen

Feature 4: Showing a ‘List’ of All Tasks

Displays a list of all tasks that have been previously inputted.

keywords: list

Format: list

Example: list

Let us say for example you followed the previous 3 examples and input all 3 commands at once. You should get something like this.

Image of Duke event screen

Feature 5: Marking a Task as ‘Done’

Marks a selected task as completed.

keywords: done

Format: done (insert task number here)

Example: done 2

:bulb: It is recommended that you use the list command beforehand to double check the task number of the task you wish to delete.

Image of Duke done screen

Feature 6: ‘Delete’-ing a Task

Removes a task from the task list.

keywords: delete

Format: delete (insert task number here)

Example: delete 1

:bulb: Do note that when you delete a task, all the numbers after said task get shifted forward by 1. Do refresh the task list with the list command often to ensure you do not accidentally delete the wrong task. :sweat:

Image of Duke delete screen Image of Duke delete screen2

Feature 7: ‘Find’-ing a Task

Finds a task from the task list that contains your expression.

keywords: find

Format: find (insert task description here)

Example: find finish

:bulb: The task description need not be a full word; even typing a partial word or just a few letters as the task description would work!

Image of Duke find screen

Feature 8: Checking for Duplicate Entries

The application will automatically check for entries where the task descriptions are exactly the same and warn you about them.

keywords: NIL

Format: Automatically enabled

Example: adding a duplicate ‘game event’ task.

Image of Duke duplicate screen

Feature 9: Closing the application

The application will terminate and all data will be saved. (See feature 10)

keywords: bye

Format: bye

Example: You can send the bye message or just click the ‘x’ button on the top right hand corner of the application to close it.

Feature 10: Auto-save

The application will automatically save the data whenever changes are made.

keywords: NIL

Format: Automatically enabled

Example: You can open up the Duke application again after closing it to find all your data safe and sound. :smile:

Image of Duke autosave screen


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?\ A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Duke folder.

Command Summary

Command Syntax Example
todo todo (insert task description here) todo finish JUnit testing
deadline deadline (insert task description here) /by (date and time) deadline finish Project /by 20/04/2019 10:00
event event (insert task description here) /at (date and time) event game event /at 23-DEC-2020 0230
list list  
done done (insert task number here) done 2
delete delete (insert task number here) delete 1
find find (insert task description here) find finish
bye bye